My First Year of Teaching + Q&A

Monday, June 10, 2019

WOW....where has the time gone! One minute I was starting my first day of my first year as a teacher and then next thing I know I finished my first year teaching!
If you thought I had dropped off the face of the earth (due to my absence from the blog) this is where I have the classroom. At the beginning of the semester I thought I would be able to balance teaching and blogging, but blogging quickly took a back seat as teaching became priority and all my time went into creating lessons or re-charging/sleeping. 
Needless to say life has been CRAZY......but a good crazy! I used to think college was the craziest time of my life, but teaching has definitely beat that! 
I truly don't think I have been more exhausted in my life! From early mornings to busy days it has definitely been an adjustment for this Introvert but I have loved every minute of it. 
It is definitely different having my own classroom where I am in charge, get to make the rules, and teach every day. My students constantly amaze me with their whit, humor, crazy antics, brilliant brains, nuggets of advice and laughter.
I feel like I could write PAGES on everything that happened my first year of teaching, but I wanted to fill all of you wonderful readers in on this new chapter of my life! On a quick note though, if you do want to read more of my thoughts on teaching I did create a teacher blog called The Frizzle File.

If i were to say one thing about my first year I would definitely say that it was everything I thought and at the same time so much more than I ever imagined. There were definitely hard days, but there were so many amazing days as well. There were so many tough moments, while also so many moments that made everything worth it!

I got some questions about teaching from people on Instagram and thought I would take some time to answer them here:

1) What was something that surprised you about teaching?

I think there were definitely so many things that surprised me! You hear so many stories about teaching, but it doesn't become real until you become a teacher yourself. I was definitely surprised by how quickly I grew to love all of my students. I think so many of the things were less of a "surprise" and more so a confirmation of why teaching is so important and a rewarding profession. I was reminded of how important building relationships with students is and also how important it is to see students for who they are and encourage them to reach their full potential. 

2) What was the hardest part about teaching?
I think as an Introvert there are days where teaching is harder for me than other people. However, the hardest part about teaching is definitely dealing with conflicts within the classroom between students, or students not respecting your class, rules or methods. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with to many serious issues, but seeing students wrestle through their own battles (be it with friends, family, or life) is always tough. 

3) What is one thing that is different than expected?
I don't think I really expected to generally look forward to school every day, even on the tough days.I didn't expect to be this EXHAUSTED, but knowing my personality as an introvert it makes since...I seriously have not been this exhausted ever in my life! I also didn't expect to grow so much as a person. I was also blessed to be working at an incredible school and daily be surrounded by amazing people who really support each other as well as having some of the best administration and specialists who let me try new things and support me taking risks. 

4) What did you have to major in to teach the class you do?
I majored in "Family and Consumer Science" (what was previously known as Home Economics) and minored in Education. I got a major in the actual classes that I teach, but most Family and Consumer Science teachers often get alternate certification to teach our classes. When you are certified in FACS you can teach close to 15 different classes that all have specific career paths for students and are honestly really fun to teach! 

5) What are the best ways to stay organized?
I teeter between being very organized and not organized what so's more so organized chaos as I see it, but my students all think my room is very organized. When it comes to my classroom everything has a specific place and I Label EVERYTHING so that we always know where things are or where they go. I also like to use color coding to help me keep all of my many classes organized and keep track of student work. I have a planner that I try to keep updated with my plans, but often times I end of putting things into my phone calendar so that I get reminders. 
Also...I would be LOST without sticky notes...I seriously use them all the time and they help me stay on task & remember what I am supposed to do. 

6) Are the rumors true about how much the after school work affects your personal life?
Yes & No :) Honestly, if you are an organized person and take the time in the summer to plan things out you will not have to worry about so much outside planning during the year. However, a teachers job honestly doesn't stop at the end of the school day. I did work on lesson plans and activities most nights and weekends (but I also had 4 different classes I was teaching). Also, I don't have as much of a personal life as some it didn't affect it do drastically. I think this is where being organized is important and making sure you have things planned ahead of time. I think you have to remember what you can control, and the amount of after school work is definitely something you can have the ability to control, so be aware of that and know when you need a break. 

7) Do you have to deal with all the gossip and drama as a secondary school teacher?
Yes, but again, you get to control what you surround yourself with. The negativity, gossip, and drama are always a part of any school atmosphere, but you don't have to be a part of it. Thankfully my classroom is in a hallway at the back of the school so I honestly don't come into contact with a lot of teachers outside of my team every day, plus I never go to the teachers lounge. I am a pretty positive person and I like staying upbeat about things, so I never like putting myself in a position to be surrounded by negativity. 

9) How is it being an introvert and a teacher with kids who have a lot of energy?
It is definitely draining! At the end of every day I am always drained and exhausted and usually come home and rest for 1-2 hours. So yes, being an introvert teacher around energy filled kids can be crazy at times, but it also is amazing. As an introvert we have the ability to sense things in others that not everyone can see, so I am always able to tell things about my students such as their mood, their personality, and my favorite...their potential! While being a teacher puts me in an environment that triggers my weaknesses as an introvert every day, it also allows me to draw upon the strengths of my personality & I truly think that Introverts have superpowers as teachers! 

Do you have more questions about teaching? Leave them in the comments below! 

- Madison

Booking & Choosing an Air bnb for travel

Saturday, April 27, 2019

My first time using Air bnb was January 2018 when I visited New York (picture above), and since then I have stayed in an Air bnb in Paris and in England. Booking an Air bnb for the first time can definitely be NERVE WRACKING, and I can't tell you how many HOURS I spent browsing listings online to find the perfect place for my travels, but in the end I have become more comfortable and confident with Air bnb and wanted to share some of the tips and lessons I have learned along the way:

  • Look At All Your Options: Air bnb can seem overwhelming at times, and to be honest there are so many options to choose from, but if you are on a budget or looking for something specific you really do have to take the time to look at all your options. Make sure to save your top places in a folder for that trip so you can go back to look at them. Once you have narrowed down your options then you can choose from those. If I am being honest I probably spent over 2 hours finding our air bnb for NY and about an hour for my Glasgow trip.
  • Thoroughly Check Reviews: Reviews are my lifeline on Air bnb....granted, I have only used air bnb 3 times, but I never add a place to my list or book unless the reviews are good. I always look to see if the host communicates well with guests, is available to help with questions or once you arrive, give you plenty of information, has the place clean, etc....
  • Check To See How Long They Have Been A Host: I also like to see how long they have been a host on Air will tell you on their profile, but also if they have been a host for awhile they will have more reviews which helps you narrow down your choices. The crazy thing is that when I booked our Air bnb for New York the place we chose was very new, there was only 1 review and the host had only been on for about 6 was kind of nerve wracking and I almost didn't book, but everything seemed perfect and the host got back to me in a timely manner and thankfully by the time our trip came around here were many more reviews (which were all good).
  • Message Them: Always reach out! I never book a place or even seriously consider it until I message the host and see how long it takes them to get back to me, even if it's just a simple general question like "Hey, I am thinking about booking your place and was wondering ___________". I like doing this simply to see if they are really active and if they would be able to answer questions if I need them to. It also shows them that you are interested and sometimes they will go ahead and put those dates on hold for you. 
  • Make Sure it Offers What You Need: Air bnb always lists what the place offers like, wifi, and extra bed, coffee maker, etc....look to make sure it has all the amenities you need for your stay, especially if you are staying for a longer time. 
  • Location, Location:  Always consider the places you are wanting to go and see where you are traveling. I always like to try and pick a place that is in a central location to the sights I want to see. On air bnb, you can see the general location of the place, so you can visually see where it is in regards to sights you want to see. However, don't book a place just because it is cheap if it is super far from the places you are wanting to go. Also, if you are booking an Air bnb in a place that uses a Subway system as it's major form of transportation I like to find a place to stay that is near a subway station, bus stop, or train. 
  • Mapquest and Research The Neighborhood: On air bnb they never give you the exact address of a place until you book it, so when you look on their map you will only get a general idea of where the place is at. For my New York trip I actually asked the host more about the neighborhood and location and they answered some questions for me. The helpful thing is that on air bnb they show you a map with the star of the general location, but you can actually zoom in to see a 3D google earth view and sometimes see the street, which is helpful in determining a location.
  • Pay Attention To Security Deposit: Air bnb always gives you a price breakdown for each place, but when you are searching places they only give you the general amount, so if a place says it $87 a night you won't know that it could have a $20 security deposit and $10 cleaning fee until you look at the price breakdown, so in total you would nto be paying $87, your total would be $117. This sometimes causes me to take places off of my "potential list" because when you add up all the costs it is more expensive. When I traveled to New York last January our apartment in New York was a higher price per night than some places, but the security deposit was lower so it evened out. 
  • Check In and Check Out .... always ask if they are flexible with it: some places have self check in which is helpful so you have a lot of flexibility there but others have a specific time frame which might not always work with your travel schedule. A lot of hosts are flexible with times and are usually accommodating so ask before you decide. If you needed an early morning check in because of an early flight I might suggest booking the day before that way the place is already yours, and just communicate this with your host. Some hosts even have "self check in" where they give you the code to a lock box with the key to the apartment, that was the case for our Air bnb in England and it was so helpful with out weird schedule. 
  • Communicate With Host & Arrive When You Say: Air bnb has a built in messaging interface (you are not supposed to contact them outside of the app) for you to contact and communicate with your host. Let them know your arrival/departure time frame and make sure to arrive when you actually told them you were arriving so that things are ready for you :) All the hosts I have had so far were great about communication and super helpful with my odd schedule. 
  • Leave The Place Better Than You Left It: I have always been taught to leave any place I am visiting better than when I first arrived, so make sure to clean up after yourself when you leave so that there is less work for your host! 
  • Go With Your Gut: It can be a bit nerve wracking booking on air bnb because you are choosing to stay at a random persons house/apartment. If something doesn't feel right stick with that feeling. Sometimes you might find a great place with perfect pictures and an awesome price, but if it is new to Air bnb and has no reviews yet I would be cautious. 
Following these steps has helped to relieve any uncertainty about booking an Air bnb and I hope it helps you when planning your next adventure!

- Madison

A Day In Paris

 This post might be late in making it to the blog, but better late than never :) 
Back in December when I went to Scotland my friend asked if I wanted to go to Paris for 2 days. Once you are in the UK it is fairly easy to travel to Europe so of course I said YES!! Paris had always bee on of my Bucket List places to visit and going there was a dream. While our trip was quite short, we managed to fit A LOT into our short time there and completed most all of it in just ONE day. Keep reading to see what we did on our Day in Paris: 

Arc De Triomphe - Apart from the Eiffel Tower this is such a central landmark to this city and totally worth seeing! If you ride the metro or stay in a hotel or apartment a bit on the edge of the city there is a good chance you will walk by the Arc De Triomphe. This is such a great place to stop and explore, even if it is only to take a few quick pictures in front of the iconic structure. However, if you want to see more of the city and explore it then you could actually schedule a time to go up in it.
Place Du Trocadero/Tour De Eiffel - If you want to go up in the Eiffel tower that is definitely an option, but if you are short on time your best option is to stop at Place Du Trocadero early in the morning to take pictures on the ledge and steps with the Eiffel Tower in the background. The Place Du Trocadero is between the Arc De Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower and is seriously the most visited spot by photographers in Paris (and its a top blogger spot too). We stopped here around 8:20 our first morning in Paris and it was the perfect time to take pictures and not to overly crowded by people.
Louvre - The Louvre is such an iconic museum full of such treasures and art that most of us have only ever seen in pictures. We all know the Louvre as the museum where you enter through a class pyramid but what you might not know is it is a HUGE museum that is partly hidden underneath the pyramid and also takes up the buildings around it. I never knew the Louvre was so HUGE! You could probably spend an entire day there and still not see everything, so if you are trying to fit it into a short trip I would suggest choosing your top 4-5 things you want to see and focusing on those. We really wanted to see the Venus De Milo and Mona Lisa, but in the process of trying to find where those were located in the museum (signage is confusing) we actually got to see a good bit of other artifacts, sculptures, and art.
Palaise Royal - This is a great place to stop if you are already at the Louvre. If you have ever seen the pictures of people in Paris standing on black and white columbs this is at the Palaise Royal and it is just a few streets over from the Louvre and is totally worth checking out for a picture spot or break place.
**Tourist Shops**
Musee D'Orangerie - If you are a fan of Claude Monet or simply want to take the #cliche picture standing in front of the Waterlillies than you have to go to the Musee D' depending on the time of day that you go the line for this museum might actually be shorter than others and the museum is small enough that it won't take all of your time and if you simply want to stop in just to see the two rooms of Claude Monet's Waterlillies than that in itself is worth it.
Musee D'Orsay - So this museum was on our list to visit and we actually had tickets for it (we got a combined ticket for the D'Orangerie and D'Orsay) but we didn't consider that even though we bought tickets online we might still have to wait in a line so when we got there and saw the line wrapped 2 blocks we took that stop off the list.
Tuileres Garden (Jardin des Tuileries) - Definitely not as stunning in the winter (Even if there was the Christmas market) but still a beautiful place to explore or walk through from the Louvre to the D'Orangerie.

BONUS (Day Two):
Notre Dame - We wanted to visit Notre Dame but were not able to fit it into our main day so we managed to stop by the famous Cathedral on our departure day, early in the morning before we headed to the airport. We were not able to go up in the tower, but we were able to look around inside. Going inside the Cathedral is free, but you had to pay to go in the tower. The sad thing is that Notre Dame just caught fire a week ago and now most of the inside details are destroyed....seeing the famous cathedral on fire was so sad, but it also made me appreciate the opportunity I had to visit it in December.

Have you Visited any of these places in Paris?

- Madison

What I Learned Traveling Abroad

Monday, January 21, 2019

Sweater: Thrifted | Trousers: Target (WhoWhatWhere) | Shoes: Target 
 Jacket: Thrifted | Beret: Amazon | Purse: Gamiss

So I did a thing....I booked a trip to Scotland, I hopped on a plane, changed to another plane, flew over the Atlantic Ocean, then hopped on another plane, then arrived in a new country (actually 2)! 18 hours of travel later and 12 hours in a plane I was half way across the world(ish) in Scotland (then in Paris) ! 
I didn't realize it until I was at a family gathering and was filling in everyone on the details of my trip that I suddenly heard "Man, you are brave, I don't think I could have done it", and suddenly realized OH MY GOSH WAS I CRAZY?!?!? 
I think I just wanted to go on a grand adventure and visit Scotland and Paris sooooo badly that I didn't even think about HOW CRAZY it really was! I just booked the tickets, hopped on a plane and suddenly I was in another country. When I take a step back to look at the big picture I realize how crazy my trip was.....and how crazy it sounded  to most people when I told them that by the end of my trip I had taken 7 planes, 4 buses, 5 (or more) subways, 4 trains, and at least 6 Ubers. 
5 Years ago I would have probably passed up the chance at a trip like this all because it involved taking an airplane (an airplane over the ocean no less) and meant being very far away from the comforts of home. However, my perspective on travel and new places has changed through the last couple of years (especially after visiting New York) and I realized that if you don't do the things that scare you then you will always wonder "what if" and you will never learn the valuable lessons that come with those crazy plans (or risks) and you most definitely will loose out on learning who you are and what you are capable of. 
Maybe it was because I wanted to see other parts of the world and experience different cultures, or maybe it was because I wanted to prove to myself that I could travel internationally alone, but whatever my reason traveling abroad taught me that there is so much more that I am capable of if I am determined enough to want it! 
Sure, I still plan every detail down to the minute and make hour accurate itineraries, but I still did something crazy and it taught me that the crazy things are not as hard if it is something you love and are passionate about! 
So take that risk! Book that trip! Hop on that plane! It might seem crazy, but it will be worth it! 

When I found out that I would be visiting Paris on my trip in addition to Scotland I started brainstorming outfits. I knew that I wanted to look very "Parisian chic" and definitely used that image to create my two looks for the City of Lights! My staples were definitely plaid pants, simple sweaters, berets, boots, and a classy wool jacket. For our main day in Paris I opted for these classy high waisted plaid trousers from the Target WhoWhatWhere line, paired with a tan turtleneck sweater, black ankle boots, a caramel beret hat and cozy and classy wool jacket. Dressing like a Parisian definitely made visiting Paris even more fun. 
Of course on our first full day there I had to visit one of the most popular pictures spots in the city. It was so surreal visiting Place Du Trocadero where all of my favorite bloggers take pictures when they visit the city. It is definitely the perfect place to capture the spirit and magic of the Eiffel tower and Paris. 
I definitely went with a more native Parisian vision for my trip, but next time I visit I definitely want to go more classy glam with dresses and skirts. Paris is probably one of the funnest places I have dressed for in awhile :)

My Trip To Scotland & Travel VLOG

Sunday, January 6, 2019

I still can't believe I am writing still seems so surreal that I was just in Scotland! Scotland has always been a dream of mine to visit one day, but I never expected it to be this soon. However, when I found out that one of my friends from High School was studying abroad in Glasgow Scotland we started talking about the possibility of my visiting her while she was there. 
After we worked out the larger specific details like schedules and a time that would work best for each of us all the pieces started to fall into place and before I knew it I was on my first International trip headed to Scotland!
Scotland has always been top on my list because my family heritage traces back to the country. My last name is "McQuary" and it hails from one of the original Scottish clans "MacQuarrie" from the Isle of Ulva. I have always been intrigued by my Scottish heritage and having the opportunity to visit the country and explore it a bit more in person was such an adventure. 
As someone who quite fancies most anything British or Scottish when it comes to shows and films, I have always held my own idea of what Scotland would be like, and honestly it met most every preconceived notion I held about the country. Scottish accents are even more so one of my favorite accents, and truly nothing compares to hearing the accent in real life, not to mention that the Scottish accents in Glasgow (known as "glaswegian") are one of the strongest Scottish accents in Scotland.

While this trip only gave me a small taste of all that Scotland has to offer, it definitely fueled my fire for exploring more of the country and culture. In fact, Glasgow is known as the "working city" in Scotland is is much more Industrial than many places in the country, so while it has a lot to offer it doesn't nearly hold all that Scotland has to offer in regards to green countrysides. 
My trip was about 7 days long, but only 4 of those days were spent in Scotland because we took a short trip to Paris in the middle of my time there (I will share more on that trip soon), even so my time there was exciting. I visited a castle, saw the green rolling hills, experienced a new country, admired ancient architecture, listened to a beautiful language, tried new treats and food, traveled via public transportation and basked in the strong history and heritage. 

There is so much to be gained from visiting other countries and cultures, and Scotland definitely had it's fare share of differences from America such as the sparse use of sugar in coffee and lattes, little salt in recipes, a fabulous and handy transportation system, the bustling city life surrounding traditions, their love for their own unique culture, and so much more.

 I adored the fact that people in Scotland know how to dress "stylishly" for winter and are experts at making any type of boots look cute.....they are truly ahead of the game when it comes to classy fashion & pull off jumpers, plaids, and dresses fabulously! They embrace their love for keeping young and holding on to their youth as you can find many middle age women with dyed or color accented hair (often blue or purple). Days spent wandering through parks are normal to them and they relish spending time in the great outdoors whether it be taking their dog for a walk (most of which the dog roams free off a leash), riding their bikes along paths, visiting historic landmarks, or hiking around town or trails. In Glasgow (and most other parts of Scotland) people walk to where they need to go or take the always available buses or metro (which runs in a circle and is 100% less confusing than New York). They love their tea, but Scots also still love coffee and scones and biscuits are a daily treat on their menu.  
I did find it quite humorous though that many Scots actually like American TV and sometimes prefer it over British, which is even more comical considering so many of us are partial to British TV over American. The same can be said for travel and adventure as many Scottish people want to visit America or even move here while we Americans always want to visit Scotland! 

Needless to say, my trip was definitely one to remember with many memories made and even more to be made in the future! I will be sharing more on the blog soon but for now I have included my travel Vlog to give you a closer look at some of the things I did and saw while in Glasgow Scotland. 

Have you ever visited Scotland?
Is Scotland a place you want to visit one day?

- Madison