Spring Jumpsuits Under $50

Friday, April 27, 2018

Over the past couple of years I have found myself gravitating towards jumpsuits. Maybe it is the fun wide leg style that many have, the bold prints, loose fit, or comfortable silhouette that intrigue me, but whenever I find a cute jumpsuit I can't help trying it on or buying it if the print is to die for (like this jumpsuit). The great thing about jumpsuits is that they are so versatile! You can easily go casual with a pair of sneakers, sandals, and a denim jacket or throw on a pair of heels and dangle earrings for a fun night out....its the perfect combination! One of the main things I LOVE about jumpsuits is that they are usually very unique, either in their print or style and lets be honest, most of them feel like pajamas, so why wouldn't you want to wear something that makes you feel that comfortable all day long? 
In honor of my love for jumpsuits I have put together some of my favorite styles to share with you and maybe if you are feeling adventurous you will try one of these out for yourself:) 

Are you a fan or jumpsuits?

- Madison 

Teacher Style: How Being an Introvert Helps me be a better Teacher

Monday, April 23, 2018

Skirt: Thrifted | Shirt: Forever 21 | Shoes: Charlotte Ruse | Bag: Target | Earrings: Forever 21

I don't think I first realized when I chose Education as my minor how hard it would be for me to work up the courage to be in a classroom with students and interact with other teachers? Sometimes, as an Introvert I tent to hide behind my personality, making it a barrier that keeps me from taking risks and getting outside of my comfort zone, and with that I often loose the opportunity to grow. Just being in college, going to class every day, and being an RA was a stretch, but I learned how to survive as an Introvert and even thrive in the midst of uncomfortable and hard situations. 
Being an Introvert is powerful, but it can often times become an excuse or a crutch to some (myself included). It takes more courage, pep talks, and deep breaths on my end to achieve something that others can easily go and do in the blink of an eye without thinking about all the people, factors, etc. As an Introvert I have a unique since of the world, but I also have a hightened awareness for everything that is going on and working out the logistics for things ahead of time.......It can be a blessing and a curse:)
Someone on Instagram recently asked me if I had any tips for being an INFJ and a teacher and I thought I would take her up on explaining what I have learned along this crazy and amazing journey!

As a teacher (substitute and future teacher) being an Introvert is my biggest strength, but also my biggest weakness......I know, that is contradictory (but INFJ's as people are constantly a contradiction already). I say this because through being an Introvert (specifically an INFJ) I have a unique since of my surroundings and how I see the world. As an INFJ I am titled as an "advocate" because we see things in the world we want to fix, latch onto something in order to change how things are done, and seek to make a difference by inspiring others....that is an INFJ's inspiration for life, but also what makes a GREAT teacher. However, being an Introvert means we can be drained by people, business/stress of life,and confrontation.....also in the job description of being a teacher. 
Thus, being an Introvert can be one of my biggest strengths because I am passionate, want to engage and inspire students, pour positivity into their life and constantly think outside of the box to get students involved. Not only that, but many Introverts and INFJ's are Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP). I wouldn't necessarily call myself a 100% HSP, but I definitely fall into the 50% range. With this I am often hyper aware to things that are happening, the way people are feeling, and notice things that others disregard. As a teacher I have learned that I often notice the quiet students on a daily basis. Maybe it is because I can relate to them (I was them in school) or maybe I see them as having untapped potential that no one knows about. I always notice the kids walking in the hallways holding books, the kid who sits in the corner of the classroom working alone, and the students who are wrapped up in their own world of art and stories, blocking out the loud kids around them. I often call these students "the invisible" because I don't think many other students or teachers notice them or their uniqueness, but I love that I know who they are without even talking to them. Being an INFJ is a strength because I see how I can change a classroom, student ideas, perspective, work ethic and engagement, and when I get freedom in classrooms that is exactly what I try to do. However, being an Introvert as a teacher can also be one of my biggest weaknesses!
I don't necessarily say that it is a weakness that cripples me with fear and inadequacies which keep me from being successful, but it takes soooooo much more work and courage on my end to put into practice all of my ideas and engage with students and teachers. The teaching comes naturally, but the courage takes some work (and pep talks & LOTS of prayer). I also internalize EVERYTHING....all of my emotions so I can easily develop anxiety and tension in my shoulders that doesn't make life fun. I remember when I first started my Methods internship before student teaching (I was in a classroom with higschoolers 2 days a week) and I had to learn to walk through the hallway of crowded students, greet them at the door, interact with them, and positively keep them on task. I had to kind of learn to be an authority figure, but in a good way, and that took some work. That semester was hard, because I had to learn to stay confident (or at least look confident) around high schoolers and teachers (even if I might be kind of freaking out on the inside). However, that feeling didn't last forever! Once I got to know the students and teachers it got easier. The same can be said about my student teaching. This time I was in the classroom with students Monday - Friday. The first week at each of my placements took some getting used to, and took copious amounts of courage and deep breaths, but after the first week I found my place. I made connections with students and they began to accept me, and I was blessed by amazing mentor teachers who encouraged me and made me feel like I belonged! While the teaching atmosphere isn't always the most comfortable for me, I have to remember I didn't necessarily choose teaching for my own comfort, but rather because of the opportunities I have with students. 
As I moved out of student teaching, graduated, and started subbing I tackled a new challenge in being the TRUE authority figure and teacher in the classroom. Many times I subbed for my past mentor teachers so I knew the students, but sometimes I was walking into unfamiliar classrooms with students who were strangers. Subbing was definitely more of a challenge as an Introvert because I had no mentor teacher to lean on and guide me, it was me and a class full of students. It could be hard at times. but through my time in methods and student teaching I had experience and knew my potential. I knew I could be the cool, welcoming, nice teacher, who could enforce classroom management, but I could also be someone to lay down the rules and walk around the room keeping kids on task.
Teaching and subbing as an Introvert (and INFJ) is hard because many times the situations I find myself in go against what my mind wants to be comfortable. I have to STRETCH and CHALLENGE myself every time I get in my car to drive to a job or step into a classroom and being around that many people can be draining (so when I get home I usually hide away in my room for an hour). Despite the challenges it can bring up, it has made me a stronger person. So yes, being a Introvert can be a weakness, but when it comes to what truly matters at times it is my biggest strength and I don't think I would change it! 

Are you a teacher?
What is your biggest challenge as a teacher?
Can you relate to any of the things I have learned?


6 Fashion bloggers You should be following

Saturday, April 21, 2018

What would blogging be without other bloggers to inspire you! I can't tell you the number of times I have been inspired by other bloggers and their creative content to try a new style, create a unique photo shoot, or realize that style is singular to each person individually and an art form that we each exhibit through what we wear. Without other bloggers my blog would not be where it is today. While I might not have ever met any of these talented and charming group of ladies, their passion for their craft and style have continuously inspired and encouraged me over the years, and with that they had to be shared with you all! 

Jenny of Margo and Me

I am trying to remember how I first discovered Jenny and her blog? I think it was through another blogger friend of mine sharing one of Jenny's YouTube videos? From the moment I discovered Jenny and her unique style I have been a HUGE fan! Jenny creates posts and looks that remind you of glamorous and unique fashion editorials straight off the runway, oh and did I mention her husband is her photographer (they are a total dynamic duo). Her pairings are unique and she takes fashion risks that she totally pulls off and looks fabulous in. Her style is reminisce of a ladylike femininity while having hints of 70''s, 60's, and sometimes 50's inspiration that she styles into a modernly chic ensemble. While her style mostly features designer pieces (quite out of my price range) her unique take on fashion always leaves me with new inspiration for pairings, taking risks, or trying new photography styles. She also films YouTube videos sharing look books, beauty, and lifestyle that are all to die for. Plus, she has an adorable french bulldog names Margot (who the blog is names after)

I probably discovered Daphne through another blogger or simply by scrolling through Instagram. Daphne is always inspiring me with her classy and effortless fashion and bright airy photos. She lives in France so most of her photos feature beautiful French architecture or the Eiffel Tower (how cool is that). She is the queen of stripes, trench coats, cute sunglasses, flower bouquets, plaid, dainty collars, and the classiest looks ever! Her style is everything ladylike and classy and inspires you with feminine details, sweaters, and business type looks. He photoshoots are simple against the backdrop of French cities and Paris, full of bright skies, airy colors, and inspiring combinations. Her blog is actually written in French so you have to translate it, which is so unique. 

Rebecca of A Clothes Horse 

Rebecca has been one of my favorites for years! I either discovered her through Modcloth or Instagram. Let's just say I have been around long enough to see her in red hair, blue hair, green hair, blonde hair, and back to red hair (so I am pretty dedicated). Hre blog doesn't just inspire me with fashion and unique photography, but she constantly makes me want to move to Ireland. She is originally from America but moved to Ireland after she met an married an Irish guy (are you jealous or what)! Since she lives in Ireland her photos feature quaint manor homes, castle ruins, seasides, forests, cottages, and rolling green hills. Her photography and photo shoots are one of my favorite things about her blog! The only way I can really describe her photography is a magical fairytale because you feel like you are transported into a story! Her editing style gives me so much inspiration and her A Color Story "Seasons" filters are my favorite for editing Instagram photos. Her style is definitely Vintage inspired and she is Modcloth's BIGGEST fan. A fellow introvert at heart and lover of the color yellow, she is everything I would want to be as a blogger.....living out her creative fashion dreams! 

Sarah is pure American East Coast class at its best! Think "classy and sophisticated prepster" and that is Sarah! I came to find Classy Girls Wear Pearls after discovering her and her husbands brand KJP on Instagram. I follow their life religiously and love every single one of their Instagram posts and all of Sarah's blog posts documenting her outfits, new KJP lines and styles, and all of their fabulous East Coast, Nantucket, and Charleston adventures. Her and her husband just had their first kid, Harry, and he is the cutest baby every, not to mention the perfect Model on his parents social medias:) Sarah is a fan of stripes, sunglasses, basket purses, shirt waist dresses, classy styles, and everything East Coast. Her husband takes all of her pictures, and they always remind me of something from an East Coast magazine. Full of simplicity, but intentionality, her style and blog document her and her husbands adventures!  

Julia of Gal Meets Glam 

Julia is definitely one of my main Style Inspirations! My style might not always look much like Julia's, but I am always inspired by her feminine and ladylike elegance. I always want to change my closet over to light pink, blue, and white because of Gal Meets Glam:) Her style is so perfect and full of lace, ruffles, pastels, airy fabric, simple florals, statement earrings, classy shades, and simple purses and baskets. Her and her husband (who is her photographer) run her blog Gal Meets Glam (with a small team) together from Charleston and are the cutest business couple! Julia is the queen of midi skirts and pretty dresses, and she actually just launched her dress brand (titled after her blog) "Gal Meets Glam" yesterday (which is available at Nordstrom and online). She and her husband split there time between Charleston and New York so you always get dynamic styles and photos to inspire you. Whenever I am in need of a style pick me up or photo inspiration Julia's blog is my first place to stop!

Veronica of Bittersweet Colours

I discovered Veronica and her blog through a talented friend on Instagram (sketch lovely) and definitely get major inspiration from all of her posts. I typically visit her blog for style and photography inspiration and love her creative approach on every post. Each new blog post has a header picture (above) that looks like the cover of a magazine (its soooo creative). I have only been following Bittersweet Colours for a year, but the attention to detail in every post and layout, and look in truly inspiring! 

Are you familiar with all these bloggers?
Are any of these new for you?
What inspires you about other bloggers?


A Spring Party

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Dress: Ross (Nanette Lepore) | Heels: Target | Clutch: Vintage | Earrings: Target 

Dresses are my favorite thing to wear in the spring! Maybe it is because my dress collection for the warmer months is busting at the seams, or maybe this season calls for fun, frilly, and ladylike pieces that make me want to dance and twirl around!
This darling yellow shift dress was a total GEM that I found at Ross, originally $129 I found it for $30 and just had to take it home with me (I found the same dress in black on amazon). The dress is reminisce of the 60's with its high lace collar and shift style, and seemed to remind me of  That Girl meets New Girl, so if that isn't a reason to love it I don't know what is!
This look was actually what I wore on Easter this year. I always seem to choose something a little different for Easter, whether it is a 1960's style or crown braid, or in this case a very frilly and girl dress. This dress is definitely a bit more outside my comfort zone with its shorter length and lacy collar, but I think that is why I love it....because it is different but at the same time it is still me and unique.
The dress itself is pretty frilly, so I chose to keep my accessories to a minimum, pairing these darling drop ball/hoop earrings as my only jewelry, a simple vintage cream clutch, and these modern suede strap heels. The whole look came together as a New Girl meets 1960's meets modern day class and I love everything about it, not to mention that the dress is yellow!
I feel quite ready for a spring party with the flowers!

- Madison

Recent Faves Pt. 15

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Wildflowers & Spring Dresses 
It's been awhile since I have done a new FAVORITES post and there are so many things to share with you all. I always love doing these because I love rounding up anything I have been loving recently in blogging, fashion, TV, movies, and whatever else peaks my interest to share with you all. This post could probably be much longer but I have condensed it down to my FAVES of the FAVORITES and I hope you find it interesting. To get the most out of it go to the 3rd bullet point and play the two songs while you are clicking through the list:)

  • This monochromatic look book by Keiko Lynn is to die for, I especially love this pink combo! 
  • Stephanie's post about sponsored content was so informative and I learned a lot about how bloggers receive and work with sponsored posts. 
  • Two songs I am LOVING right now: Shawn Mendez's "In My Blood" and Carrie Underwood's "Cry Pretty"
  • These heart sunglasses are all the rage this spring and I am so tempted to buy them in every color!
  • I always LOVE Rebecca's looks, but I especially love this Milkshake + Diner Look
  • I am on the book launch team for Girl Defined's newest book "Love Defined" and I am soooo excited about the book and the content! 
  • My best friend and I went to the movies last weekend to see "Midnight Sun" and it was sooo good! I had seen the trailer and knew just a little bit about the story, but I didn't expect to be crying by the end of it. 
  • These White bauble ball drop earrings have been my favorite spring jewelry piece so far. 
  • I am kind of obsessed with jumpsuits and this bright 60's inspired Jumpsuit from SHEIN is to die for (and I just ordered it). 
  • Krista of Covering the Bases shared an older post of hers on Insta. Stories about how to take better blog photos and I thought you all would find it helpful! 
  • Krista also introduced me to "ice rolling" and I bought this ice roller that I have been using daily! 
  • Lilly James is one of my favorite British Actresses and she is staring in a new British period drams called "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society" that looks sooooo good and has so many Downton Abbey characters like Matthew Goode, Jessica Brown Finley, and Penelope Wilton.
  • I have currently been reading the thrilling "If I Run" trilogy Seriesand just started the last book "If I live" which just came out in March.....I can't wait to see how it ends! 

- Madison

Wildflowers & Spring Dresses

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dress: Ross (Ralph Lauren) | Jacket: c/o Madewell | Earrings: Five Below | Sunglasses: Five Below

Spring means colorful flowers, and in Texas it means the most beautiful wildflowers in VIVID colors! On our way to visit family for Easter we took an extra hour to stop off and take pictures. I haven't been able to take bluebonnet pictures since I was little and it was so much fun frolicking through the flower field and smelling their sweet aroma.
With the aromas of spring, the cool breezes, and the many colors painting the landscapes all I can ever think about is pretty and ladylike dresses. I found this blue Ralph Lauren dress for a bargain (originally $120 but paid $25) and absolutely LOVE everything about it, especially since the print looks like Bluebonnets and is utterly to die for:) The dress reminds me of something Julia from Gal Meets Glam would wear and I was inspired to add these fun white bobble earrings to match it. This look also reminds me of something Sarah of Classy Girls Wear Pearls would wear, especially with these fun sunglasses (that I confess I bought because they looked like Sarah's)! I am actually planning on re-styling this dress on the blog for a "dressy" spring look with heels, so I chose to pair the dress with a denim jacket and sandals for this adventure.
With my love for pretty dresses and flowers I decided it would be fun to find some other fabulous favorites that you could have access to shop or checkout for yourself. You can checkout all the lovely and ladylike spring dresses above (that I would quickly add to my closet). I also linked some of my favorite classy shades inspired by some of my favorite bloggers.

Do you like wildflowers?
Are you a fan of Bluebonnets?
What is your favorite spring dress?
