Blown Away

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Skirt: Thrifted
Shirt: Old Navy
Sweater: Thrifted
Belt: Vintage
Jacket: Thrifted (Forever 21)
Scarf: Old Navy
Tights: old
Socks: old
Shoes: Thrifted
**Pictures by me**

As I start the official third week of my spring semester I have to stop for a moment and reflect back on all of the things that have happened just within these first few weeks. It never ceases to amaze me at the plans God has that I don't even know about, but then again it is on the days that I ask and allow God to write my agenda that he opens up the door of possibilities.
Considering this is my last semester on campus, living, working, and taking classes (I start student teaching in the fall), one of my goals for the semester was to make the most of every opportunity! While I have been at college for the past two years, I don't think I fully grasped the reach of opportunities life on campus and working for the university holds. I am surrounded by a wonderful group of coworkers in which there are a host of opportunities to be the light of Christ around those who don't know him. I also am in the classroom with high school students two days a week and see first hand what it is like to love students even when they are trying my patience.
 Coming into this semester I have learned that when I ask God for opportunities he leads me to the doors and gives me the courage to knock on them and walk through......the most amazing part is that he keeps those doors open for me to come back to, because God is a God of crazy plans and has endless opportunities before us if we only have the faith and courage to open our eyes and recognize them for what they are!
Even though only 20 days have gone by since the first day of class, God has already opened more doors of opportunity than I could ever imagine! I have been blown away not only by the things he has done in my own life, but also in the life of those around me! With that being said, and considering my goal for this semester I seek to wake up every morning and ask God to give me the courage to recognize and seize the opportunities before me, to write my agenda for the day, to give me the ability to love others just as he loves them, and to equip me with the words to say when he opens up the conversation!
Therefore, I challenge you to go out into the world and ask God for opportunities, and if you don't know where to start just look at Matthew 7:7-8:

 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

Has God given you opportunities in this season? 



  1. Yesss love this! So often, God is just waiting for us to ask Him! What an awesome opportunity, to get to witness to your coworkers, your residents, and your peers.

    1. Also that scarf is SO perfect. Love that it's oversized. :)

  2. Casual outfits are my favourite. Love the Nike sneakers, I have a pair myself and can never wear them enough!

  3. A beautiful combination of style and class all wrapped up in a blanket with a big smile:) I believe God works mysteriously amongst us all the time. He brings the best out of each of us. Love your hair styled up. Stephanie

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment Stephanie:)

  4. I'm so glad you've had these opportunities lately!

  5. I LOVE this outfit! That coat is so perfect!
