Hello to all of you lovely readers, I hope your week has been going wonderfully so far :) Today is the day for my next installment post of my new series...YAY!!! Last week I talked about Motivation and I loved hearing what you all had to say about what motivates you (thanks for your comments). This week I will be tackling a new topic which I chose to call "The Pajama Problem" (don't ask me why, hehe).
Do you ever have those days where you wake up, hop out of bed (or drowsily swing your feet to the floor), walk to your closet and then confidently decided....."I am wearing Pajamas today :) " (I mentioned that last week). Okay, so for clarification, I do not wear pajamas on a daily basis (honestly). I would never drrreeeaaammm of wearing pajamas in public, but I must say that on days where I have nothing much to do, or do not have to go anywhere, pajamas (well, mostly a tshirt and yoga pants) are my getup for around the house (or dorm).
However, my post today is not really talking about my habit of wearing comfy clothes on lazy days, rather, I want to discuss the problem of WHY I dress up or more so, why I put in the effort every day to pick out and ensemble, do my hair, makeup, etc. Why do I choose to dress the way I do?
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Skirt: MADE; Shirt: hand me down; Belt: Thrifted (80's) |
First things first, honest blogger to blogger confessional, some days I honestly do not feel like dressing "cute" or nice....."Really? What a shocker!!" :) Maybe you have those days too? Now, this is not to say that I hate dressing up or picking out what I am going to wear, but some days I know there is an easier option of throwing on a somewhat nice shirt, grabbing a pair of jeans or a skirt, lacing up my sneakers and heading out the door to class like all of the other college students. But I guess that is just it....I am not like all the "other" college students or other people for that matter! I have always seemed to base the way I live on being "different", not being just another person on the street. Truly, choosing to live or dress this way may take more effort, but it is effort I am willing to exert because I know that when I walk out the door I will be the best version of myself (not fakes, no hiding) !!!
Now, to tell you the truth, I ask myself this most every week..."Why do I dress this way or put in the effort to diligently picking what I wear (which is totally out of the ordinary)"......but then as soon as I ask myself this question a small quiet voice, deep within my head, whispers "You dress this way because it is YOU"....sweet, simple, to the point! But really, as strange as this may sound, I feel like when I choose to wear jeans and a tshirt or just a comfy skirt and shirt that I am letting people down (yes, I know, so weird and strange and bizarre....I am weird).
Strange, I know. I mean, its not like I live for peoples praise or for people to notice me, it is just that wherever I go I always want to be the best version of myself and I feel that when I just grab what is easy I am first, not being true to myself and second, not allowing myself to be confident as the "real me." Do you ever feel this way?
I guess sometimes it is the risk you take in dressing the way we do. Sometimes the way we dress is bold and most often that causes us to get noticed (in a good way).
I can't help but think of the quote by Harry Winston which says:
"People will stare. Make it worth their while."
This is totally true, and maybe that is another reason I choose to take the time and put together a nice ensemble? By that I am meaning to say that choosing to dress the way I do is choosing to say "This is me, this is who I am and I am okay with it...I LOVE who I am." I have always wanted to be a person that at a glance people could tell who I was, what I stood for, what I loved. That is probably why I love to dress up...sometimes overdressing but better safe than sorry:)
So the truth of the matter is this....while some days I might not feel up to picking out an ensemble I choose to take the extra time to look nice because that is what makes me feel confident. Not that I struggle with confidence because I know my confidence and worth is found in Christ, but rather confidence to seize the day as ME and not some other girl!
Maybe I am the only one to confess this....maybe it is because I am an artist....or old fashioned....or weird.....or over think my reasoning's.....or maybe that is just me??? Whatever the real reason for the matter, this is how I have chosen to live and why I love (usually) to get up every morning and fan through my closet choosing what I should wear for the day:)
Yes, choosing to wear a tshirt and jeans would be the easy choice and the popular fashion around campus, but that is just not me, so I keep wearing what I do because I love it!
Well, have you had enough of my Confessional??
Okay, so enough with my series post and on to a short bit about what I wore yesterday:) First, for one thing I forgot to lay my outfit out the night before so it was a matter of shuffling around in the dark with a flashlight, trying to grab my clothes (which thankfully I planned out in my head when I realized I hadn't lain them out). For some odd reason this spring has made me push the envelope in my combination choices (for me that is). I have been wearing a lot of print on print lately and yesterday I chose to wear Complementary Colors (pretty sure, but I should know that after making a color wheel for class). Honestly, I would probably never pair orange and purple together but this seemed to work! My ensemble was pretty 1950's, what with the polka dot skirt, thick white belt, loafers, and poof in my hair. Oh, while we are on the subject of hair, I have been watching a LOT of YouTube hair tutorials this week preparing for a spring formal this Friday which I volunteered to do two of my friends hair for:) On that note, I have been inspired to add a teased poof into my hairstyles and found that it is easier than I thought and a good addition.
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My experiments with poofs and updo's ! |
Well dear readers, that is all for this weeks installment of Confessions of a Fashion Blogger! I hope you enjoyed what I had to say. Leave me a comment with your thoughts on the subject, I so love to hear what you all think. I am actually thinking about making the last week of this series a "Tips" post using things I have learned and comments you have left so keep that in mind :)
Until next week!!
Carpe Diem
(seize the day)
Do you ever struggle with just wanting to wear comfortable and easy clothes?
Why do you dress the way you do?
Do dress that way because it make you confident?
I wear pajamas a lot lol but that's because I don't work much currently, I'm always at home. I have very few occasions to dress up for. I never wear pajamas outside of the house though, that just irks me. I've seen teens going to school in their pajamas a lot lately. They look like slobs. High school is supposed to be a primer for the workforce or a post-secondary education. I honestly don't understand why these kids are allowed to get away with looking like this (yet they do get yelled at for bra straps showing, so what gives?!). I like to dress up when I'm going out sometimes but it depends on what I'm doing. If I'm running errands I don't even bother with makeup, I just go out in leggings and a tunic sweater. If I'm meeting someone, like the other day when my friend came in from Toronto, I get all decked out. I also do that for dates with my fiance. It's nice to dress up once and awhile and feel special. If I could do it every day that would be cool but it's too high maintenance for me lol. I have a lot of hand wash items and it just gets tedious to do the cleaning if I wear too many of them in one week.
ReplyDeleteI totally get what you are saying about kids wearing pajamas to school, I even see that at college...yikes!!! It is hard sometimes to dress nice when you have othes that are very tedious to clean and such a hassle!! So great hearing your comments :)
This post speaks to me on so many levels. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteSome days I just do not feel like getting dressed up, and other days I ask myself "Why do I even do this?". But much like yourself, I do it for me! I do it so that I'm not just another face on the street. But there isn't anything wrong with yoga pants, a messy bun, and a tshirt on occasion. ;)
Your outfit is lovely!
Samantha, thesnowwhiteblog.blogspot.com
Yay!!!:):):) So fun to hear feedback from people like myself!! And yes, ther is totally nothing wrong with comfy clothes and messy buns☺️Thanks so much!!!
I feel like you live inside my brain! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten up on a Saturday morning and put on nicer clothes to go run errands, and my husband, whose daily "uniform" is a hoodie/t-shirt and cargo shorts, looks at me and says "what are you so dressed up for?" I guess I've just always felt the need to present myself as best as I can, and I want my clothes to match my personality - I'm not a lazy slob, so I don't want to dress like one. Although I have to admit, as soon as I get home from work, I have the habit of throwing on a t-shirt and yoga pants to cook dinner and relax for the rest of the night.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your h air is beautiful! And that plum color looks lovely on you. :)
- Katie, themodestheart.blogspot.com
Haha...this is great😊! I dress up for errands too!!! But I do have to say, like you, as soon as I get home I change into something comfortable. Loved hearing what you had to say!!
I think of knit maxi skirts as legal pj's :-) Seriously comfy, and they still look nice.
ReplyDeletePeople are just so casual about EVERYTHING now and especially in the way they dress. Don't you think? Most people usually look like they've just rolled out of bed, or just got done working out at the gym - ugh! Back in the day people put such thought & effort into the way they dress. It was (& still is to me) a sign of respect to look put together. My mom told me she remembers her mom wearing housedresses working around home & then would always change into something nicer to run to downtown for anything! There were no people parading around the grocery store in pajamas then! (They probably would've thought you'd escaped from a sanatorium if you did.) I totally get what you're saying about comfy clothes too. Sometimes you just want to wear something comfortable! I would heartily recommend housedresses. They are soooo comfy & still pretty for chores around the house.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think I've officially left you a nice long, rambly comment! haha!
~Michelle ^_^
Delightful Handwork
Yes, I completely agree that people are so casual about everything these days!!! As you mentioned (and I know my grandmother was this way) , people used to wear nice clothes just to clean the house and then change into something even nicer to go out. I am definitely going to have to check out making a house dress, I could really use one!! BTW, long rambly comments are my favorite:) Loved hearing your feedback.
Thank you for your inspiration in this post Madison! I have to say, first, that I love your outfit! That shirt with that skirt is so cute.
ReplyDeleteYes, I definitely have days where I don't want to put a lot of effort into what I wear. I actually don't like wearing makeup most of the time (though that definitely goes in spurts), and don't wear it on a day to day basis, unless we're going out in public. I think I dress the way I do because I like it, and it makes me happy. That might sound selfish, but when I'm wearing something I don't like, I know I'm not as nice of a person (grumpy pants anyone?).
the Middle Sister and Singer
You wearing a lot of print on print and you chose to wear complementary colors pajama. I really like it. I hope you will share more good updates. Now it's time to avail Shutter Services in London for more information.