Fall Fashion

Saturday, October 4, 2014

It has definitely been awhile since I have posted, and I must apologize in advance for this post being minutely short, but life has been an utter whirlwind. I am officially a college student now, and though I have been taking college classes for three years, I can now feel the work piling on! However, fall is here and it is my favorite time of the year as for the season and the fashion. To me fall is very magical (although not quite as magical as Christmas). My favorite part about fall is waking up on the first day, and never being disappointed with the gorgeous day. Fall has a simply calming scent that flows in the air, and makes you take a deep breath, drinking it all in. The sun always seems to be shinning so warm and bright upon the leaves that are fading into golden hues, and everything rustles in the wind.
Nevertheless, fall is a time for sweaters, and tea (cuddling up with a good book). Jackets, and hats. And oh, lets not forget about the endless days of wearing colorful tights and drinking in the crisp aroma of the season. I would post some pictures of my personal fall ensembles, but I have been swamped, so you will have to make do with my polyvore set, though I think if you took a peak in my closet you would find practically every piece above. My daily fall wardrobe consists of a sweater, plaid skirt, a jacket (if it is chilly), oxfords or boots with tights, a simple broach and a perfect hat! 

1 comment

  1. Oh Autumn. I love Autumn. You're so right about the scent of Fall - nothin' like it!
    Sweaters, tea, & tights are three of my favorite things! :D

    ~Michelle ^_^
    Delightful Handwork
