The Sisterhood

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

| Top: Forever 21 | Pants: Alexandra Vanderbilt (me) Hollister (sister) |
 | Shoes: Limelight (me) Dr. Scholls (sister) | 

If you have a sister you know what it is like, you know how special that relationship is (or can be). My sister and I are complete and polar opposites! For starters I am the pale blonde ghost and she is the tan brown goddess. I am also super old fashioned and have a quirky style while she thinks I am weird and would rather wear sport shorts and a tshirt every day. I like fancy details while she could care less about them. She likes to spend time with her friends almost every chance she gets, while I like to have alone time.
However, despite our many differences we are also psychically linked (like most sisters). If one of us starts laughing the other is bound to join in as the room erupts in a chorus of dying walruses (our laughs are weird....just take my word for it). We often times finish each others sentences or say the same thing at the same time. Jamming to High School Musical and Camp Rock is our favorite thing to do in the car and we love to watch cheesy movies. Give us to much coffee and sugar and things are bound to get crazy :)
Having a sister is so special, because you have a built in best friend. I didn't always appreciate our relationship until I moved away to college. With the distance we actually got closer and I am forever thankful she is always there to hear my rants, make fun of me, suggest we go shopping, and be my go to dance partner at weddings.
If you are looking at the pictures and wondering if we dress matching often the answer would be NO. Apart from the fact that we have completely different styles, Taylor isn't a big fan of us wearing the same thing (she once got mad at me for buying white converse when she bought hers). However, a month ago we were shopping at Forever 21 and found these cute "Sisterhood" shirts, without a second thought we both decided we NEEDED to get them to wear and take pictures in (if nothing else). This was such a fun photo shoot to do and even more fun having my sister by by side!

Do you have a special relationship with your sister?



  1. I have 4 sisters, and the one closet in age to me is the least like me, we are all wildly different and a strange combination of similar (the younger ones mix of the older).

    That laugh thing, we say we sound like seals/hyperventilating. My brother used to have an imitation of our laughs.

    1. I love that phrase "wildly different and a strange combination of similar":) Sounds like ya'll are a lot like us...especially with the laugh!

  2. You guys are so cute together! And those shirts are pretty cool. :)

    I totally get how different two sisters can be. I think that I can side with you on loving vintage and being a total old soul, while my sister is not. Even though we enjoy different things, my sister and I still have so much fun together on car adventures and trips and I'm thankful God has given me sisters (and a brother, but you know how they can be sometimes :) ).

    ~ Megan Joy

    1. LOVE IT! I can totally relate to you on the sister and brother part:) Especially love road trips.

  3. This is so sweet! You and your sister are so cute in this shoot and it's sweet that y'all have such a good relationship!
