As Seen On My Blog

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Skirt: Thrifted
Shirt: Vintage
Sweater: Thrifted + DIY
Tights: Old Navy
Shoes: Target
Purse: Melie Bianco

I LOVE having a blog, and being a blogger has truly become a HUGE part of who I am on a day to day basis. I find myself thinking like a blogger when I reach for my phone to take a picture of my ice cream cone, make note of a perfect photo shoot location, or immediately start planing an outfit/post based off of the dress I found while shopping. However, with that being said, I have discovered a different side to blogging that at times is hard for me to wrap my head around, and with that, it is the realization of being visible. 

That might sound weird, but I have always been the girl who preffered to be in the background if I had a choice.....I am a behind the scenes kind of person most of the time, but as a blogger I never realized how visible I would become to people. This might sound weird, but people actually see me now (okay, that does sound weird...) and see my life! I started blogging to share my loves and interests with people but I never expected to be recognized so much for it by the people around me....Okay, so yes, being a blogger is who I identify as, but it has also become a definition and label that people place on me after they learn about it. It becomes even more obvious when they exclaim "Oh my gosh I love what you are wearing! You always look so cute!" Truthfully, I do love getting compliments, but I am the worst person in the world at responding to compliments because to me I am just an ordinary person who does what she loves and doesn't deserve to be elevated by those around her or seek out attention. However, when people voice such sweet compliments I feel as if they often see me as a super talented person who is kind of "famous" to a degree and I often feel like they have elevated me to a level of "perfection" in their eyes.....a level that I don't place myself on or even see myself.  

Maybe the though of being visible and seen for who I am with all of my interests and talents isn't a bad thing, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the attention or praise. I do what I do and I am who I am because that is the best version of myself and a version I happen to LOVE! I don't try to be "perfect" or "the best" or an "over achiever" but so often those are the labels people give me. Thus, as a blogger, my life is more on display than it used to be, and maybe because of that I actually get a glimpse of seeing myself through others eyes. Sure, it's still weird when I meet people and they tell me they follow me on Instagram, or they comment in person on my latest post, or even when they look at my blog or Instagram for the first time (in front of me no less) and then somehow change their whole perspective of who I am. 

I think this whole idea of being VISIBLE stems from the fact that I am typically a pretty private and reserved person, but as a blogger I seem to present a different side of myself and open up. Being a blogger and calling this space my own is almost like living inside a room surrounded by windows for anyone to peak inside, sure they have curtains in which to keep certain things to myself, but most of the time they are open for the view. So whoever you are, wherever you are from, just know the fact that you care about my life, me, and what I love means THE WORLD to me......but just know I am far from matter what my life might look like on my Blog or Instagram I am still me :)


As for the outfit in this post, let's just say that it was very Noelle Downing inspired, plus I kind of created my own DIY version of her "As Seen On My Blog" sweater which might just be the greatest thing EVER! Interesting fact, I didn't want to pay/buy the original of this sweater so I decided it would be "pretty easy" to stitch myself; much to my surprise that it would only be 3 Twilight's (as in the movies) later when I finally finish it, but I am so excited with how it turned out! 

Do people ever see you for someone you don't see yourself as?
What are your thoughts on being visible? 


Recent Faves pt. 10

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

There have been sooooooo many great things to love lately be it new YouTube Channels, favorite videos, gush worthy prints, fabulous posts, stunning photography, and all in all, sheer talent and creativity from so many lovely people that I have the pleasure and opportunity to follow! So here's to Part 10 of my recent faves....pull up a chair, grab a blanket and get ready to fall in love with everything I have been going HEART EYES over:
  • Olivia's post on Ethical fashion & Consumerism is so ratable for me as someone who loves clothes, loves to shop, and kind of promotes fashion, but with that, it is important to develop a healthier attitude towards buying clothes and learning about fashion production. 
  • Also....if you didn't Know that Olivia has a YouTube Channel you should go check her out RIGHT NOW because I love all of her videos and her British accent is so pretty:) However, I am so loving her recent room tour video because it reminds me of my own small room!
  • Okay, so yes, the golden hour lighting of Rebecca's post is amazing, but to be perfectly honest I am all about her croissant purse......because lets be real, what gets better than a super buttery and fattening baked good that you can put more butter on (am I right....hence the picture for this post)! 
  • This post by Olivia on the Fear Of Missing Out is GREAT! I feel like it is hard for me to disconnect sometimes because I do think "What if I MISS something"!!!
  • Noelle's Galentines Day post is literally #FRIENDGOALS and the whole fact that she recently visited Europe and England make me want to hop on a plane right now....
  • I always tell myself that I need a cat print dress and I think I have found the perfect one at MODCLOTH
  • These night time photos of Klara over on A Robot Heart and the coolest thing ever! Also....after admiring everything about this post I totally want this yellow dress now:)
  • I might have had a small childhood dream of being a mermaid (actually that might still be true) and I also have a crazy over the top love of cats, so when I found this Mer-Cat shirt which basically combines both of these slight obsessions into one perfect blouse I kind of FREAKED OUT!! 
  • This Lemon Cupcake Stop Motion, created by the uberly talented Kenna and Lulu is the greatest and most cheery thing EVER! 
  • You might have seen the book Capture Your Style on my Instagram, but it is one of my new favorites for Instagram Inspiration and, Modcloth has it on sale for $8 right now so you should grab a copy:)
  • If I had $100 to spend on shoes these unique and oh so popular loafer flats from Madewell would be the first thing I would buy! Sadly, they are so popular that they are sold out at most places.....

 What have been some of your recent faves?


Parisian Details With StyleWe

Monday, February 20, 2017

Skirt: Thrifted Vintage
Shoes: Thrifted
Purse: Vintage
Bow: DIY

I have come to the conclusion that clothes have a magic and language all their own.....okay, to be honest I think I have always known that but I don't always remember that they can speak so loudly and create an effortly seamless story with every stitch. At times they can seem to transport you to a different time or country simply based off of their silhouette, print, color or combination. 

You can be transported to Europe with a simple romantic and ladylike elegance, or seem to be exploring the hills of Scotland in your rain boots, printed socks, and classic trench coat. Or maybe you are feeling like a fashionable southern lady and pull out your floral dress, nude pumps, cream cardigan, and your grandmothers string of pearls. Whatever your inspiration or dream for the day, your clothes have the power to take you anywhere you want to go and make you the person you truly are deep down inside. 

Recently I sat in on a communications class at college that was centered on non verbal communication, and for those brief 15 minutes that I was in the class I learned so much about what I as a person communicate through my fashion. The funny thing is that the lecture had nothing to do with fashion, but everything to do with what you looked like, how you carried yourself, how you walked, moved, and acted that said everything about who you were, but I believe whole heartedly that fashion fits perfectly into a form of nonverbal communication......essentially fashion is a silent language we all possess and speak to the world every day. 

I had to share my thoughts on the language of fashion with all of you lovely readers, because I feel as if this ensemble is very magical in it's silent language. When I look at these pictures I feel as if I should be walking the streets and gardens of Paris, taking in the sights and sounds of sophistication and stopping at a cafe to sip a cup of coffee and eat a croissant. With that being said, it's nothing overly loud that makes this look seem "Parisian" but rather the little details of this gorgeous lace blouse from StyleWe paired with this classic pleated black skirt....nothing major but everything special, just think Bridget Bardot. To top off the Paris inspiration, a velvet bow gives the perfect amount of romance and girliness that I seem to always find amongst Paris dwellers and bloggers. If these pictures were to be in black and white, they would have the same affect because their color pallet in themselves is the simplest it can be, therefore, it is the details that make this look everything that it magically seems to be! 

Sometimes we can get so caught up by trying to include everything in a look, when really all we need is a few simple details to silently communicate what we originally wanted to say from the beginning. Therefore, the next time you open your closet to get dressed ask yourself these questions"
"What do I want to say with my style?" 
"Where do I want to travel today?" 
"What is so magical about the clothes I am putting on?" 

I believe that not only are our clothes our own personal and silent language to the world, but that they are also our own personal time machines that can take us anywhere we want to go:)

What are your views on fashion in regards to this post?
Are you a fan of simple details?

Links à la Mode, March 16, 2017
SPONSOR: Shopbop Schutz, See by Chloe Bags, SunnyLife Pool Party, Nudwear, Modern Weaving, Cloth and Steel, iPhone 7 Cases, Marc Jacobs Sunglasses, Alexander Wang Clothing, Men's Rick Owens DRKSHDW

Nightstand Reading Pt. 1

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Remember in my Valentines Day Post when I mentioned that I started the tradition of buying myself books for Valentines Day? Well, I thought I would share those books with you all in case you want to check them out for yourself! Truth be told, I haven't read them yet but I have started the first one "To All The Boy's I've Loved Before." 

Just Haven't Met You Yet

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Skirt: Hannah Everly
Sweater: Goodwill (Talbots)
Shoes: Cato's
Necklace: James Avery 
Bow: DIY
Purse: Charming Charlie's 
**Shout out to one of my besties for snapping these pictures for me this weekend**

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!'s that time of the year filled with flowers, chick flicks, every shade of red and pink as far as the eye can see, chocolate everything, and special notes to the ones you love. For so many people they hate this time of the year because they don't have someone "special" to spend it with and they are surrounded by so many happy couples that are in love.
 Nevertheless, while I don't have a special someone to spend the day with, I have always loved Valentines Day, and over the years I have embraced this day for celebrating my singleness and being happy with where I am at in life. 
To often we get so caught up in what we don't have, that we forget the incredible things we do have, like time to ourselves, free weekends, hours to read books, and so much more. Sure, we can all admit that we wish we could make memories with someone else, but for the time being making memories with ourselves is so very important, and we should cherish it! Speaking of books, I started the tradition last year of buying myself books for Valentines Day, because what better way to celebrate yourself and happiness than increase your I RIGHT, or am I RIGHT!!!
With that being said, for those of you who have a special someone, give them an extra kiss and write them a sweet note to show them how much they mean to you. And for those of you who don't have a "special someone" (like me),  I hope that you don't spend the day sad for what you don't yet have, but instead appreciate the incredible things you do have in your season of singleness.


I thought this special day called for all the ladylike and classic details, so I pulled out my favorite Hannah Everly polka dot skirt and paired it with a blush pink cashmere Talbot's sweater. I added the feminine details of a black velvet bow and sued flats and packed my Cat clutch with all the necessities (because what better accessory for a blogger on Valentines day, than to carry a cat clutch). Of course no Valentines Day look is complete without a bunch of flowers and read lipstick:)

Now, I am off to eat chocolate ice cream, read one of the books I gifted myself, and probably watch my traditional Valentines Day movie "The Lost Valentine." 


How do you celebrate Valentines Day?
What is your favorite part of today?
Do you have a special someone you are celebrating with?
