As Seen On My Blog
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Skirt: Thrifted
Shirt: Vintage
Sweater: Thrifted + DIY
Tights: Old Navy
Shoes: Target
Purse: Melie Bianco
I LOVE having a blog, and being a blogger has truly become a HUGE part of who I am on a day to day basis. I find myself thinking like a blogger when I reach for my phone to take a picture of my ice cream cone, make note of a perfect photo shoot location, or immediately start planing an outfit/post based off of the dress I found while shopping. However, with that being said, I have discovered a different side to blogging that at times is hard for me to wrap my head around, and with that, it is the realization of being visible.
That might sound weird, but I have always been the girl who preffered to be in the background if I had a choice.....I am a behind the scenes kind of person most of the time, but as a blogger I never realized how visible I would become to people. This might sound weird, but people actually see me now (okay, that does sound weird...) and see my life! I started blogging to share my loves and interests with people but I never expected to be recognized so much for it by the people around me....Okay, so yes, being a blogger is who I identify as, but it has also become a definition and label that people place on me after they learn about it. It becomes even more obvious when they exclaim "Oh my gosh I love what you are wearing! You always look so cute!" Truthfully, I do love getting compliments, but I am the worst person in the world at responding to compliments because to me I am just an ordinary person who does what she loves and doesn't deserve to be elevated by those around her or seek out attention. However, when people voice such sweet compliments I feel as if they often see me as a super talented person who is kind of "famous" to a degree and I often feel like they have elevated me to a level of "perfection" in their eyes.....a level that I don't place myself on or even see myself.
Maybe the though of being visible and seen for who I am with all of my interests and talents isn't a bad thing, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve the attention or praise. I do what I do and I am who I am because that is the best version of myself and a version I happen to LOVE! I don't try to be "perfect" or "the best" or an "over achiever" but so often those are the labels people give me. Thus, as a blogger, my life is more on display than it used to be, and maybe because of that I actually get a glimpse of seeing myself through others eyes. Sure, it's still weird when I meet people and they tell me they follow me on Instagram, or they comment in person on my latest post, or even when they look at my blog or Instagram for the first time (in front of me no less) and then somehow change their whole perspective of who I am.
I think this whole idea of being VISIBLE stems from the fact that I am typically a pretty private and reserved person, but as a blogger I seem to present a different side of myself and open up. Being a blogger and calling this space my own is almost like living inside a room surrounded by windows for anyone to peak inside, sure they have curtains in which to keep certain things to myself, but most of the time they are open for the view. So whoever you are, wherever you are from, just know the fact that you care about my life, me, and what I love means THE WORLD to me......but just know I am far from matter what my life might look like on my Blog or Instagram I am still me :)
As for the outfit in this post, let's just say that it was very Noelle Downing inspired, plus I kind of created my own DIY version of her "As Seen On My Blog" sweater which might just be the greatest thing EVER! Interesting fact, I didn't want to pay/buy the original of this sweater so I decided it would be "pretty easy" to stitch myself; much to my surprise that it would only be 3 Twilight's (as in the movies) later when I finally finish it, but I am so excited with how it turned out!
Do people ever see you for someone you don't see yourself as?
What are your thoughts on being visible?