//Casual & Comfy// Choose Joy

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Shirt: Gift from a friend (Target)
Sweater: Forever 21
Shirts: Thrifted/DIY
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Converse
Glasses: Firmo 
*Pictures by me & my camera Betsy*

In the midst of the crazy everyday life it is sometimes hard to keep your head up and stay smiling and happy. Whether it is looming deadlines, papers, projects, busy days, stressful happenings, or just the rollercoaster of life in general, choosing to be joyful in the midst of the crazy is HARD! I think being a college student I struggle with this every week, but I have also learned to find joy in the little things and keep smiling no matter how stressed or anxious I might feel! With the end of the semester fast approaching I find myself over thinking everything that needs to be done as I see deadlines coming up and finals drawing near, but I also see summer break that is only a few weeks away and that helps to keep me going.

Some days I wake up and immediately start thinking of the things that need to be done.....well I take that back, every day is like that! Some days when my mind wanders to the vast to do list I am perfectly fine knowing I have time to get things done and the things on my list are not to bad, yet other days I immediately feel a dark grey cloud hover above my head as I think about EVERYTHING that is still not crossed off my list! Therefore, what helps me when life starts to get grey? Glad you asked:) First off I wouldn't get anywhere during my day if I didn't start it off with Coffee and Jesus! That steaming hot cup of cream, sugar, and liquid gold gets my mind working and time spend in the work helps me start thinking positive thoughts and focus on my creator rather than the mundanes of life. Furthermore, I can't help but smile when I walk outside and my face is kissed by a warm beam of sunshine....it is like a cheery kiss from God! Seeing the sun always makes me smile and when I hear the choruses of the birds around me I smile even more. I often find myself, as I walk to class, smiling at the little things around me like squirrels running across my path, leaves rustling in the wind, chickens and their chicks scavenging in the grass (yes, we have chickens on campus....they seriously crossed the street from the park to get to the other side) or when I see a little dandelion in the grass sharing its wishful seeds with passersby....when I take time to notice the beauty around me it takes my thoughts back to the Creator of it all and fills me with a since of peace and joy which I can't help but engulf!

As for my ensemble, variations of this look have been my Friday go to this semester. I know that this look is something you don't see me sporting much on the blog and is not classic or vintage what so ever, but if I had to choose a style apart from Vintage fashions this style is my favorite. Therefore, I will be throwing in a few "Casual & Comfy" posts here and there with some of my modern/hipster looks (really just my weekend style). Anyways, I can't get over this shirt because it is sooooooo FABULOUS (thanks to my bestie for giving it to me for my birthday last year)! I honestly wear it nearly every Friday, but if you think about it, Friday's call for coffee and comfort. On the topic of these shorts, I made these from a pair of thrifted jeans and can't get enough of them! I love that they are light wash, high waisted, and a modest length for my long legs:)

I hope all of you have a great rest of the week:)

Are you nearing the end of the semester? 
What helps you find joy? 
What are your comfy go to styles/pieces? 



  1. Replies
    1. Haha....isn't t fun:) I wear it way to often.

  2. Love love love this outfit Madison!! This always such a tough time in the semester, but we are almost there! I graduate in less than thirty days, and I couldn't be more excited! Finish strong-- you've got this! :)

    1. Thanks for te encouragement Lauren! I am so excited for you that you are graduating soon!!! What an exciting new adventure lies ahead.

  3. Oh my goodness. So so cute! I absolutely adore those shorts!

  4. I'm currently wearing almost the same outfit, because in my mind I really need Thursday to feel like Friday. Or Saturday. Coffee is definitely one of my favorite ways to choose joy (or at the very least, alertness). God bless!

    1. No way! I can't agree more about Thursday's needing to feel like Friday's.

  5. What a lovely, classic warm weather look. I really like the little cuff on your jean shorts. Such a fun + cute touch.

    ♥ Jessica
