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**Photos by my bestie Elizabeth** Skirt: Thrifted Top: Faded Glory Boots: Target |
6 years ago my dream was to start a blog. I dreampt of creating a place to share my thoughts, my love for fashion and style, and tidbits of my life. One fall 4 years ago that dream became a reality, and I have LOVED every minute of it!
I remember when I first discovered that there was such as thing as "fashion blogs" and I would spend hours pouring over posts, getting inspiration, finding people who had similar styles as me, and dreaming of one day being just like them. While 4 years really isn't all that long ago (I was just starting college) it seems like so much has happened between then and now, especially with Minnie Muse.
I remember when I first discovered that there was such as thing as "fashion blogs" and I would spend hours pouring over posts, getting inspiration, finding people who had similar styles as me, and dreaming of one day being just like them. While 4 years really isn't all that long ago (I was just starting college) it seems like so much has happened between then and now, especially with Minnie Muse.
As a blogger, growth is part of the process. You find yourself through the journey of creating, designing, and publishing a blog, posts, outfits, etc. You change, your style changes, and you find who you are (or at least that was the case for me). Blogging has always been my outlet.....my place to reach an audience I never knew I could have the power to reach! A place to connect, inspire, and meet darling, creative, and dear souls who inspire me with their words, style, and joy of life.
I have always said this on Minnie Muse, but IT IS YOU....THE READERS who make what I do worth it and make me want to keep creating.
With all my gushy thoughts out of the way its time to celebrate, because Minnie Muse is 4 years old!!! And with that I thought it would be fun to share some of the random, odd, amazing, and important things I have learned over the years, because since starting a blog it has been a journey of learning and discovery every day!
- Blogging is time consuming....whoever thought you could just take pictures and post them on a blog was mistaken.....there have been many a time that I have stayed up well past my beadtime editing pictures, writing posts, and creating content (because I am a full time student and part time blogger). The whole phrase "student/teacher by day and blogger by night" is 100% my life!
- Blogging connects you with the sweetest and dearest internet friends! I can't begin to tell you all of the lovely people I have come to know through blogging....many of them people I have never even met in person, yet I feel that we all share a bond because of our common interests. These dear ladies are people who encourage each other (and me), leave comments on things we like that the other person is doing or wearing, and we all share a common passion. I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of those darling souls in real life (such a treat), but even those who I only know over a screen, I still feel as though we are close friends:)
- Don't let my seeminly put together life fool you....my posts might feature me in skirts and dresses with curly hair and a full face of makeup, but what you don't see is me writing those posts, sitting on my bed in an oversized tshirt, yoga pants, no makeup, and a messy bun. Behind the scenes it isn't as glamorous as what is pictured in front of the camera.
- Being a blogger you learn that the parts about yourself that you are often most "insecure about" are sometimes the very things that people compliment you on! Now, let me be clear to state that I am not a blogger because I need praise and compliments (in fact I am horrible & awkward at taking compliments) but sometimes the posts where I was just not feeling 100% or the pictures where I was actually having a bad breakout (partially covered by makeup) are most often the pictures people say sweet things about and it makes you realize that the insecurities don't really matter.....you are perfect just the way you are:)
- COFFEE is my creative juice! Seriously, you will very rarely find me writing a post without a cup of coffee (in a cute mug mind you) close by!
- It can be lonely! While I do have blogging friends online and daily am inspired by other bloggers, being a blogger myself can be quite a solitary job.....the terms "me myself and I" and "party of one" are VERY REAL as a blogger! Sure...I am an introvert and LOVE to be alone, but sometimes I just want someone (IRL) who understands my dreams and passions and shares in those same things. Plus Texas isn't your biggest fashion blogger hub, so a lot of my favorite bloggers live in other states.
- I have learned that I create high expectations for myself that are sometimes impossible to reach and when I don't accomplish them I feel as though I have let people down. I set expectations for myself & the blog in regards to posts I want to do, videos I want to shoot, or the number of times I create something new for the blog in a week, but LIFE HAPPENS 99.9% of the time and the things I WANT don't (hardly ever) happen and I have to accept that its life.....and life isn't perfect.....and that people will understand....and that at the end of the day I am not here to please other people because if that were the case I would fail every time!
- The comparison game is real & relevant! Okay, so I really am not one to compare myself to others, but as a blogger it is sometimes hard seeing others who are able to blog full time, etc. and not be able to do that or feel like its able to be accomplished.
- It's a ONE WOMAN show most of the time! A number of fashion bloggers hire photographers or have husbands or boyfriends who are photographers or learn to take their pictures for them (still holding out that the guy I meet one day with be one of those #instagramboyfriends turned husband) which gives them more freedom in pictures, locations, etc. I on the other hand just have a tripod, self timer, and remote, so my visions are not always a reality and taking pictures of yourself with a tripod can be awkward, especially when there are people around.
- It's kind of a full time job I don't get paid for! When I am not in college classes, teaching, spending time with my family, traveling, or studying I am probably blogging. More recently blogging has become a weekend gig, but often times in the past I would spend a part of every day taking pictures, editing, writing, or styling outfits for the blog, so yes.....it can easily become a full time / part time job that you don't get paid for.....except in creativity:)
- For the modest at heart (me) being a blogger tends to get you recognized more frequently by your craft. People will mention that they read my latest post or love the pictures I take, saw my latest YouTube video, etc. My mom is always telling people I have a blog which is always weird for me to hear, but if my style defines me as a blogger I guess that's okay? Friends, acquantances, and family now know I am a blogger and as someone who shares more of herself on the blog than with people in real life that gives people a glimpse of me that they probably wouldn't always get to see.
- I am becoming one of those #basic bloggers who plans her outfits around the places I go and chooses accessories based on what I wear for shoots (insert embaraced monkey emoji). You will constantly see my sister roll her eyes when I walk out of my room in an outfit & my mom will ask if I chose it because it matched the place we were going ("Um....no mom I didn't...JK....LOL")
- At the end of the day it is about sharing and connecting! It is sharing about the things you love, opening up about yourself, sharing your passions, and connecting with others who share those same things or understand what you are saying. The blogsphere creates a community of like minded souls who truly listen, share and encourage each other and I love every one of them for it!
Some of My Favorite Post From This Year:
Golden Adventures , Just Haven't Met You Yet, Parisian Details, As Seen On My Blog, Bon Voyage, Another Day of Sun, Becoming A Teacher, Blushing Daze, We Bought A Zoo, Gabby Teller, Row Your Boat, Lessons Social Media Has Taught Me, Seaside Sailor, Give Me All The Watermelon, Gingham On The Porch, Beach to Boardwalk, Tied Up In Historic Gruene, 10 Things You Should Know About Introverts
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!!!! Here's to many more years of Minnie Muse and the adventure that await us!!!
Is there anything you would like to see me share on the blog?
What should I do more of?
What is one thing you enjoy about Minnie Muse?
Congrats Madison!!! 🎊 🎉
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!!! I love how much you pour your heart in to your blog!! I especially love when you get personal, it feels like I really know you when you do! 💕🎉😊💓
You are the absolute sweetest Elizabeth! My more personal posts are some of my favorites too, so I am so happy to hear you like those:)
Happy blogiversary, Madison! I really enjoyed reading this post because I feel so related to what you say. Especially points 7 and 10, I was so glad to read that and see that I'm not alone :)
AHHHH....that makes me so happy Cristina! I love when I read posts by other bloggers and can relate to what they are saying, so I am so happy to hear you know what I am talking about:) You are totally not alone!
Congratulations! I really loved this post. Can definitely relate to some of the things on the list. Hope you have many more happy blogging years! ♡xx
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Roxanne! So glad to hear you can relate to many of the things I shared:)
I just discovered your blog this past Summer and it's already one of my favorites! Love your vintage style so much and so enjoy your posts!
ReplyDeleteAh, this makes me so happy! Glad you found my corner of the blogsphere:)
Happy 4 years of blogging!
ReplyDeleteI completely get your reason for wanting to start a fashion blog. Like you had followed other bloggers and dreamed of the day when you would begin your own blog, I followed your blog, which was a huge inspiration for me to start my own! So thank you, for sticking with the blogging all throughout college. It's harder than many think, but you did it! I can't wait for the next four years of fashion!
~ Megan Joy
Congratulations, Madison! I love reading your blog and I know 4 years is a really big deal to you. Can't wait to see what the next year holds!
This is the best post! And I could relate to SO much of what you said! It's funny because I've always hated my accent, but now I love it! And that seems to be what people like about me the most...ha! I would comment more, but I really agree with everything so much that I don't even know where to start! lol
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary!! Four years is so awesome! I've loved following along with you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 4 years! I started my blog 4 years ago too! Keep up the great work I love your blog