You Are Not Alone
Friday, January 29, 2016
Blouse & Skirt: Minnie's Menagerie Belt: Minnie's Menagerie Shoes: Old Navy Lipstick: Rimmel London "Kate" 05 Nail Polish: Revlon gel Color Stay "All Or Nothing" |
Well hello dear readers, I am back on the blog this week once again.....yay! (Now, lets see if I can keep this up throughout the semester.....) I have been thinking recently about blogging. Why I have a blog, why it is so important to me, and why I am so intrigued and inspired by other bloggers.
In the process of thinking about this topic I realized something very important, and that is this:
For most of us, blogging isn't something we do just because we have time. Blogging is a part of us, and for some it is more important than it is for others. We all blog for a specific reason, and we as people are all unique in our own our own style, fashion, likes and dislikes, but most importantly in our personalities. For those like me, blogging is so important because it gives us an outlet to put our self out there for others to is a way to share who we are, talk, meet new people, and be exactly who we want without worrying about physically having to get out. Now, that might sound a bit strange, but just hear me out!
Okay, so to put this in perspective for you, I am an Introvert in the broadest since of the word. Furthermore, my personality type makes up less tan 1% of people in the world as an INFJ. With that being said, blogging is important to me because it has become a part of me in the since that I can share my style, loves, hobbies, and thoughts with people who might share in some of the same things as I do.....but I am able to do this through writing! For me, it is so much easier to write about how I feel and the things I love rather than talking about them, though with the right people this does comes easily.
Therefore, when it comes to other bloggers I have discovered that many of them are just like me! Yes...most of us as bloggers have cats (we might be on the verge of crazy cat ladies), love tea, coffee, taking, pictures, and writing, but that all comes with the territory of being a blogger and is part of our stereotype....we all share in those same things. Yet, I have discovered that the bloggers whom I can connect with the most when reading their post and hearing about their life, are those bloggers who are "Just Like Me"! The bloggers who are Introverts themselves, and very likely INFJ's or a personality similar to those.
Sometimes I can feel like I am so alone in the world. Okay.....well not alone like I do not have any friends, for I am blessed by a close group of friends who I love dearly, but none of them are like me at all!! Thus, I sometimes feel like I am alone in the world in the since that there is "no one else like me." To be honest, I have never met someone who has the same personality type as me (wait....I take that back, one of my teachers said she is an INFJ...but still). When this is the case, it is easy to feel like you will never connect with anyone who shares in the same struggles as you, but just when I thought this was the case I discovered a hand full of bloggers who are ALL Introverts themselves and a few of them are even INFJ's. It was crazy to see just how much I can connect with those bloggers when reading their posts....when scanning the words on the screen I always feel as if I am reading a part of my life because I find myself nodding in agreement and exclaiming "That is exactly how I feel!!"
So here is the thing in all this that I have said.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! If you are like me, quiet, Introverted, sometimes shy, don't like meeting new people (at least not in person always), would rather stay in your room with a book or a movie than go out with people, than take heart that I can TOTALLY RELATE to how you feel!! Even if you are not like me in your personality, always know that even when you feel like you are alone there are people out there in the world just like you and they know what you are going through.
Therefore, I have realized these last couple of weeks that blogging is more than just taking pictures and writing a is a part of me and I now understand why so many other bloggers whom I have grown to love share in my same personality type.......for people like us, blogging is so much more and will forever be a part of the people we are!
**If you are curious as to your personality, you can take the quiz HERE!**
Are you an Introvert like me?
What is your personality type?
Do you ever feel alone?
Do you have a favorite blogger whom you can relate to?