New Year

Thursday, January 1, 2015

WOW!!! It feels as if 2014 just began and here we are now in 2015! 
This year has flown by. It seems like each year goes by faster and faster. I seem to close my eyes and the year is half gone, then close them again and it a new semester of school and before I know it the year is over and in rushes a new year full of new discoveries, paths, adventures, trials, goals, seasons, people, places, etc. This reminds me of a quote from an amazing book by one of my favorite authors N.D. Wilson (you have to read his books Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl & Death By Living) that I am presently reading.

"Cliches are true. Time flies. You can't take it with you. You don't know what you got till it's gone. Dust to dust....Time, the ever-expiring resource. Time, the thief. Time, the motivator. Time, the finish."
-N.D. Wilson  Death By Living

As much as we want time to slow down and life to take a pause, it never does. Time races full speed ahead and we have to realize that time is fleeting and we must treat each and every moment as if it is our last. Live each day to the fullest. Carpe Diem --> Seize the Day!!!

As per the start of a new year, as always here come the resolutions. While I have a number of them I am only going to share those that pertain to this blog :)

2015 Resolution (as pertaining to this blog):

 #1 - Post more often if at all possible! Though I must warn you dear readers ahead of time that this is likely to fail once my spring semester starts.

 #2 - In my "spare time" learn more about blog design and HTML so that I can further improve my blog for all of you who are so dear to read it:)

#3 - Try new things when it comes to my style!!! I tend to be border line vintage, and I want to become confident in styling my ensembles with more of a 100% vintage flare.  (this would include hair, makeup, and accessories which I tend to go simple on most days)

    #4 - Reach a larger blog reader audience with Minnie Muse, though this might prove challenging since I might not post as often.

#5 - Spend free weekends perusing quaint vintage and antique stores!

# 6 - Grow my record collection as well as my Library!

Well, that is it for now, but I sincerely wish each of you a joyful and prosperous New Year!!!


  1. Sounds like some fabulous resolutions, dear girl! As far as HTML & CSS goes, I can recommend that you go to & to find out more about those languages. I benefitted greatly from codecademy in learning the basics, and w3 schools is great for reference. And there are of course tutorials all over the web for CSS tips & tricks, but I think that the resources I have mentioned will help in forming the foundation for learning, if you don't already know too much of HTML & CSS. I know that you didn't request help or suggestions in this area, but I couldn't resist sharing :)

    much blessing & good providence on your New Year!


    1. Thank you so much Charlotte for your feedback! I will definitely have to go check out those sites!!!

  2. These are great resolutions! I was in a similar spot last year when I was starting my spring semester of my senior year in college. I wanted to post more, but it's so difficult as a student! I found it helpful not to stress about it and make the things I did post as quality as I could!

  3. Oh, I love the new blog design! It's so clean and fresh! I do hope you'll be able to post more, Madison. Your posts are always enjoyable. One tip, in case you don't already do this, take photos one day, edit photos the next, and then post the outfit on the third day. It makes it a lot easier to handle a post that way, and at least you'll be able to post once a week.


    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thank you so much Brigid for the tip!! That is a great way to organize and spread out the process so you don't have to do it all in one day:)
