Hello lovely readers! So as I was preparing to go to bed I decided that I wanted to snap a few pictures of my Christmas tree and then I decided I might as well share the Christmas Cheer with all of you. One of our family traditions is for me, my brother, and my sister to all have miniature Christmas trees in our rooms. Oddly, my tree is purple, which is by no means my favorite color, but I don't mind the color so long as I have a touch of Christmas in my room to enjoy:)
Ever since I was a little girl, my tradition was decorating my own tree each year. I love getting out all of my tiny ornaments each year and reminiscing about how I came about them, or who gave them to me.
This is one of my favorite ornaments on my tree. I have probably had this ballerina for over five years, and I actually first bought it at a dollar store. The reason this ornament is my favorite probably has to do with the fact that one, it is sparkly, and two, I have been a dancer off and on my whole life and ballerina's always bring that memory back.
I LOVE this ornament because it is a CUPCAKE!!! I am a slight cupcake fanatic. Okay, maybe more than slight:) Apparently I have over 30 cupcakes in my room, since my dear friends did me the favor of counting them all last time they were over. I love baking cupcakes, and eating them, and decorating them, and buying them, and I might as well admit I have OCD (Obsessive Cupcake Disorder).
I am not sure how long I have even had this ornament? I probably received it as a gift when I was very little, but I really love how unique it is. This ornament is a miniature porcelain angel doll, and reminds me so much of a vintage ornament.
This snowflake ornament is a new addition this year. One of my friends made and painted snowflakes for me and a few other girls she invited to a Christmas dinner and we all got to pick our favorite to take home. This was my favorite, because it was the smallest, and I loved the colors!
Last, but not least, I cannot forget about the Candy Cane! While this is not an ornament in the original since, it is the most traditional Christmas Tree decoration that has been around for centuries. I love Candy Canes because they are so fun to eat and also because they are peppermint! Plus, I grew up with some of my favorite Christmas book's being about Candy Cane's and the Candy Cane story, which will always be a found memory I will cherish forever.
I hope all of you dear readers enjoy the Christmas Season and take time to reminisce about your favorite Christmas memories!
What a pretty little tree! That's a fun tradition! I just found your blog through a comment you left on the Boyer sister's new post, and I have to say it's quite darling! I look forward to reading more of your posts! My sister and I blog at cleverbunnies.blogspot.com
Oh my, thank you, this means so very much! I am so happy you discovered my blog, and I definitely look forward to visiting yours.