Well dear readers, I am sure you all have been waiting for me to finally post one of my recent ensembles, I know I myself in particular have been waiting and wanting to do this too!! Well, today you are in luck (if that is what you would call it). While a busy schedule and cold wet weather have been two factor keeping me from posting, there are a couple other factors as well. For one, I had to first muster up enough courage to go and take pictures on campus, which has taken a few days, or weeks, because I didn't want random people walking by and thinking "why is that girl dressed so weird posing in front of a camera out in this weather??" Yeah, that's what I was wondering too!! (hehe). No seriously, there are always people walking across campus (why wouldn't there be?), and the town that I am in is always so busy I would have to drive around for awhile to find a nice spot to actually take pictures (which I never did). Thus, I finally told myself that I didn't have a choice, as you lovely readers have waited long enough and I REALLY needed to post (plus I was having withdrawls from not being able to take pictures).

Of course, everything always has a way of working itself out. As I was contemplating where to take pictures, I found the most perfectest (not sure if that's a word) of spots. There is a place on campus that has steps going down into this indention with a tree and a path, and well, it was perfect!! Not only because of the beautiful old brick walls, but the fact that it was down in the ground and I am somewhat hidden from people passing by.
Oh, and did I mention there was a simply enchanting archway (picture up above) which was completely inspiring for the imagination ( boy do I sound like Anne right now). But enough with the perfect picture spot, and on to what you really want to see, what I wore today!
Trench Coat: Forever 21 |
If you couldn't tell by the lighting in the pictures and the fact that I am wearing a jacket and rain boots, it was a dreary day. Apart from being misty and rainy this morning, it was also cold, thus I didn't feel much like taking the time in wearing something cute, so I quickly grabbed my high wasted jeans, a stripped shirt, sweater, rain boots, and a trench coat from my closet. I was meeting a friend for a quick lunch, so I decided to do something easy with my hair and tied on a bandanna. My thrown together ensemble ended up being a 1940's land girl inspired look, which I was happy to oblige you lovely's with today:)
Sweater: Kohl's (forever ago) |
Boots: WallyWorld (Walmart) |
Shirt: Thrifted (Vintage); Belt: Thrifted; Jeans: Thrifted (Ropers) |
I must say that I absolutely love what I wore today! Well, for one, these are my favorite pair of jeans (even if my brother and sister make fun of me every time I wear them) because they are for one, comfortable and two because they are high wasted and make almost anything look vintage. Then again, it was also fun to wear as I hiked up and down the many stairs on campus exploring to find the perfect picture spot!!
Oh, and I found LEAVES!!! I know, not too exciting, but at this time of year there are not many fall looking leaves left, but I found some and was so excited that I just had to take a picture with one.
Like I said at the beginning, the spot I found to take pictures had this arched walkway which went around a corner to a set of stairs. Well, to me it was kind of enchanting (I like using that word for some reason) and so I had to explore where it led.
Nail Polish: Sinful Colors - Hip To Be Square |
While I am at it and since I was already taking pictures on campus today, I thought you all might like to see some pictures of campus, so here they are:
My FAVORITE building on campus!! |
Looking down on my dorm |
My dorm, built in the 1930's, so perfect for me!!!
Well dear readers, that is all I have but I think that was definitely what I needed to fill my blogging with drawls and I am sure it is exactly what you all needed after my absence of not having posted an updated ensemble!! I hope your side of life is dry and not to terribly cold, but if it is, you might as well enjoy the perfect opportunity to curl up with a cup of tea and a good book!
What do you like to do on cold and rainy days?
Have you ever found an "enchanting" picture place?